ICON | Rihanna.

I may be shot for not agreeing with majority and disliking Rihanna's fashion sense but one thing I never feel she falls short on is her impeccable taste in makeup looks! I remember seeing her video Unfaithful for the first time and deciding I was a lip gloss lover. More recently her makeup choices have been daring and I love that she plays both sides with interesting brows like in the video for for Where have you been? whilst still having delicate looks such as in her video for What's my name?

Here are a few of my favourite looks shes worn.

She's just gorgeous, but what's your favourite?

Comment below and if you like the blog follow, pretty please.
Seize the Beautiful xo


  1. She's such a striking girl and I love that she's not afraid to play with colour. I think my favourite look above is the hot pink lips with navy winged liner. She pulls it off so well!



    1. Yeah, I know, shes so beautiful! I love that one too :)


  2. I love her style! She always looks amazing.

  3. Ah Rihanna, what a beaut. I think she looks banging with red hair! Wish I could pull that one off! Nice blog love :)
    Followed ;) feel free to visit mine! Xxx
    Vicki x


    1. Oh I know, such a bright red too! Thanks for the lovely comment and I'll definitely check yours out :) xo
