Tuesday's Shopping Targets

Again, i'm sorry for the inconsistency of posts, I think everything will be normal from now on so hey ho!

Here are a few things i've been eyeing up over the past few days. If you've been following my blog you may remember me mentioning how I was fawning over the Whistles Charlena bag.

Of course, once I had saved enough money for it, it went out of stock on both ASOS.com and in John Lewis. Bummer. I've spent a lot of this week looking for a good alternative. I want a bag that is higher quality, therefore, a little more pricey than most. And I think i've found it in the Rebecca Minkoff MAC Daddy bag, it's quite famous in America but i've never really heard about it over here in the UK, I can't even find a UK stockist but luckily Nordstrom ship without duty charges, wahey. So yeah, I hope you like this! Enjoy!

What's your wishlist for the week?

P.S. 5 Days into the 30 day ban from on-line shopping and I'm going strong! Actually haven't shopped at all! Wahoo!

Follow and comment below, I always reply :)
Seize the Beautiful xo


  1. i think that rebecca minkoff bags are so beautiful! there are some beautiful things here :) !



    1. I've only just really discovered them but I think they're lush!

