UPDATE | "sjmcdf", new look & blog advertising.

instagram @sjmcdf

Just a quick post to explain the new look. When I started this blog nearly a year ago I didn;t really intend on it being anything more than beauty but the more time goes on the more my blog is evolving and becoming a personal lifestyle blog with beauty still as a main focus. So I decided to change the name to match all of my other social networking platforms, it's just easier that way, don't you agree?

I'm also in the process of changing the look of the page so keep an eye out for that!

Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sending me buttons for the sidebar of my blog, I want to put something there and it seems like advertising other blogs would be the perfect thing, plus swapping buttons would mean getting my blog out there too. If you'd like to swap blog buttons then just email me your button to sjmarriott6792@gmail.com and i'll get it up as soon as I can. :)

All the best, Sam.

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