Clean 'n Clear Morning Energy review

Okay. So, I've had this, and being using it for just over a week and a half now. I thought that I would give it time to do its magic. To be honest, I don't really use facial washes, mostly just stick to make up remover or make up wipes, but the packaging caught my eyes and I thought it wouldn't do any harm to try out.

As well, the price point isn't high, as much as you might expect £4 for each (Asda). 

When I first started using it I was so impressed, it really made me look more awake, which for me makes me function a little quicker in the mornings! Plus, the smell is divine - clean, fresh and super lemon-y. It did nothing for the softness of my skin or anything and didn't touch my blackheads but whatever. It still does that, obviously. But the after affects are annoying! But i'll get onto that. 

This is what facial cleanser looks like, and as you may be able to tell, it has shimmer running through it, which i'm sure is what makes such a difference to the radiance of my skin. 

 As for the moisturiser, there's no shimmer. It doesn't really seem to moisturise either, but what I did find it reminiscent of is a primer. A particular primer in fact: Benefit Porefessional. It mattified my skin, which I like primers to do and it left it feeling even, but not soft or hydrated. Weird!

I'll explain my skin, as a reference. I have dry/ combo skin with high pigmentation in some places but it is rare that I'll break out, and when I do its always in the same places, strangely.

This, unfortunately made me break out, which never happens. I don't think any other product (Apart from those horrific peel-off masks) has broken me out so bad, or even at all! I know that its this that has done it because its in strange places like my forehead and upper lip, and I don't think I've ever had spots there before!

So all in all, I love the ins and outs of this product. Just going to have to say bye bye to it because of it's distinct dislike of my skin! I'd like to think, that this was just a freak with my skin though because its so good otherwise!

Seize the Beautiful xo

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