HAUL | Lush Amandapondo & Floating Island

I hadn't been to Lush for years! Whilst at Uni I sort of forget that there exist shops that aren't in my small town! So, I decided to pick up a bath melt and a bubble bar. I had no intention of buying them but Floating Island was mine as soon as I smelled it, its divine! And Amandopondo is just the most pretty thing, I don't even want to ruin the pretty décor on the top!

So pretty!

Floating Island smells of Almonds and yum! And Amandopondo is a light rosy smell, its got lemon in it which balanced the rose a little. So excited to use these! Short post but I just thought I'd share this purchase, I may do a review if they wow me anymore!

Seize the Beautiful xo


  1. Great post dear! I've been wanting to get some new products from Lush and these look amazing. Especially "Floating Island" since it smells like almonds! YUM <33


    1. Ahh thanks, I'm gonna get that one used tonight I think aha! The woman in the store was telling me about how it changes the texture of the water in the bath too so that should be interesting!


  2. I don't know why but I'm not the biggest fan of Lush. I buy maybe one product a year and usually I'm disappointed :( The only nice product from Lush I have is the lip scrub :)


    1. I'm not its greatest fan, I find the shop a bit of a headache, but I do think they have some great finds. I've never tried their lip scrubs but I really want to!

